Our Funders

Moncton Headstart Inc. is a registered Canadian charity that provides evidence-based, trauma informed high quality, early child and family intervention services to support vulnerable, at-risk children and their families: by referral only.
Headstart provides families with a community of caring. We give parents the tools to become more confident and successful in their parenting so they can build a better life for their children and themselves.
Toyland ensures kids in need in the Greater Moncton area have gifts under the tree for Christmas each year.
We thank the community for their kind donations and making Toyland possible. Donations of new, unwrapped gifts can be dropped off Mon-Fri from 8am – 4pm.
School Supplies Drive 2023
August 14th – 31st
Education is a powerful tool, and your contribution can make a difference in the lives of many students. Together, we can help students in need with the resources they need to reach their full potential.
Moncton Headstart provides essential services to children and families in support of early childhood development, health, and well-being.
Click here to see our list of volunteer opportunities with our community outreach events.